
EA Sheffield is a local group for anyone interested in how to do the most good. Our events are open to anyone, including students and professionals.

Come to our events!

EA North 2025

EA North is a summit to bring together the local Effective Altruism community for a day of 1-1s, talks, cause area meetups, and more! It will be happening on Saturday, 26 April 2025 at the Showroom Workstation in Sheffield.

Apply here now!

The schedule is kept vague on purpose. We want the day to be as useful as possible, so indicate what content you want to see in your application! What is keeping you from having more impact?

Cause Area Evenings

Cause Area Evenings are currently planned for the second Monday of every month.

Date Topic and RSVP link
13 January Global Health
10 February Animal Welfare
10 March Existential Risk

These evenings will start with talks which will then be followed by an open discussion and snacks.

The talks will be given by you! Fill out this super short form to contribute. This can be as simple as picking a news story, forum post, paper, book, or podcast episode and talking about it for 2-10 minutes. But you can also sign up to give a longer talk (10-30min) if you want to go into depth on something!

Monthly Socials

We have monthly socials on the last Tuesday of every month, from 6.30pm. They are now at The Old Shoe (Orchard Square).

Stay up to date

You can find all of our events in the calendar and the EA Forum.

You can also subscribe to our event newsletter.

Help shape EA Sheffield

EA Sheffield relaunched recently. Help make it useful and fun by filling out this survey. It only has 6 quick questions. You can also always give anonymous feedback.